The Key to Productivity in the Workplace? Happiness

No matter what size your business; big or small, there is a common denominator that should be present in the workplace. Productivity. This component should be flowing through the veins of your employees at all times. But what is the key to creating – and retaining – productivity?
Well, the answer to this is as obvious as it first seems. Happiness.
Of course, we know the benefits of being happy on a personal level, but what about happiness at work? Research from the University of Warwick ( shows that happiness makes workers more productive; up to 12% greater productivity was measured.
On the contrary, the research showed that lower happiness is associated with lower productivity in the workplace, concluding that there is indeed a causal link between human well-being and human performance.
As a business owner, manager, team leader or supervisor there are a number of things you can do to maintain happiness. For those yet to reach the upper levels of management it is still worth reading on – you might get a few ideas for the future.
Keep it Level
Create – and maintain – a flat hierarchal structure in the workplace. Make sure that staff on all levels are appreciated and treated the same.
From the PA to the Operations Director and everyone else in-between, nobody in the workplace receives tailor-made, special treatment. With this, flat structures provide employees with greater levels of freedom and responsibility which results in greater productivity.
This structure is becoming more commonplace globally, as companies as large as retailer IKEA use this structure to build an employee attitude of job involvement and ownership.
Comfy Working
With full time hours stretching over 40 hours a week and rising, it’s fair to say that many of us spend an awful long time away from our home and instead, at a desk. With this being said, many employers fail to grasp how important it is to have some home comforts at work.
Home comforts means having comfortable chairs, using up-to-date equipment and being able to personalise their workspace. The more your employees feel at home, the happier they’ll be, resulting in an increase in productivity.
Employee milestones and achievements should be celebrated – no matter what size! This is often overlooked and is one of the easiest ways to make people feel happy.
Be it an email or even a quick chat in the corridor, take the time to congratulate your employees for their hard work.
Get out!
Socialisation is probably the most valuable asset to ensure productivity in the workplace. Of course, there are certain times more than others where you should encourage your staff to catch up.
Lunchtime is one time where this should be encouraged. Make sure staff leave their desk for lunch; create a social space where staff can take their mind off things and they can engage their mind over a game of table football or pool in the break out area.
Make sure you continue this trend outside of work, too. Create social opportunities for employees to get to know each other and reward them for their hard work.
It all comes down to recognition, reward and keeping your staff members happy. If you maintain this level of happiness, you’ll reap the rewards that derive from increased productivity. Get these things right, and you’ll be on that train to continued success in no time.