The UK Solar Industry – Down but NOT out!

The impact of amended solar subsidies was revealed earlier this month when data published by energy regulator, Ofgem, announced a 61 megawatt difference between the amount of small solar installed in February and March this year, when compared with the same months in 2015.


This expected fall follows the government decision of cutting householder subsidies by 65%. Naturally, this decision has angered the entire solar industry and many environmentalists, branding the assessment as ‘misguided’. The government has added that these changes are compulsory. As household energy bills impose solar incentives, the only option is to cut the subsidies as household energy fees are on the rise.


Fresh from penning a deal in Paris to keep the global temperature rises to below 2 degrees, the government have pulled a U-turn in the truest form by announcing this news – along with generous financial provisions for diesel farm developers. When energy bills are rising, does it make sense to limit one of the cheapest forms of clean energy?


However, there is still some light at the end of George Osborne’s constricting policy tunnel. A spokesperson from Greenpeace commented that “the UK will fend off the government’s attacks on the solar industry – as costs are falling, demand is rising and there is plenty of momentum following the Paris deal”.


The attractiveness of solar remains steady in the UK’s renewables sector, and despite the government cuts, there is still a degree of optimism in the air. The governmental decision goes against that of public opinion and above all, economic logic. The government are deciding to back a lucratively expensive nuclear deal – whilst completely disregarding the power of solar.


We work with a number of companies, where solar photovoltaics is the main priority. The Solar Energy UK trade show at the NEC, Birmingham back in October was evidence that this industry is self-sufficient and is constantly developing – with or without the help of the UK government.


As with many forward-thinking technologies, patience is key – as the market is projected to expand after the trough in early 2016 through to mid-year.  If you are a professional in the solar industry, we are here to offer you expert advice about the industry and how you fit into the future of solar power. If you are seeking employment, we can get you back on track with one of the clients we work with.


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