What next for Solar professionals?

As we brace ourselves for a seismic change in the renewables market it is important for the people within the industry to understand where and how their careers can progress.


In order to help the many professionals who, quite understandably, are concerned as to what the next 6-12 months may have instore for them; we spent a lot of time this week at conferences, exhibitions and recruitment fairs in order to gain the necessary intel so that we can give the most suitable advice to both the people and companies that desperately want to remain in the Solar industry.


First up was Solar Energy UK at the NEC on Wednesday. It was great to see so many people turn out for the event; which was attended by industry professionals from around the globe. The overriding message seemed to be one of positivity and resilience – ride out the bumpy road ahead and we’ll have a Solar industry standing on its own two feet that can grow and thrive without the need for government subsidies.


Next was the Recruitment Fair in Leicester organised by the City Council and MP Liz Kendall. It was aimed at the many ex Mark Group employees who, regrettably, have become the first major causalities of the government proposals on FiT.


Meeting the many people who now find themselves without work having spent so long with one company, only increased the feelings of anger and bewilderment at the ‘consultation period’. That being said it was clear that these people will add value to businesses elsewhere and it won’t be long before they are back in work and they can put this episode behind them. We are already busy behind the scenes trying to create opportunities for the people who we met.


It was also good to hear Liz Kendall voice her support to the renewables industry. We need more senior officials doing the same thing and hopefully the closure of Mark Group can act as the catalyst the Solar market needs in terms of attracting the attention from key governmental decision makers. We will see….


Having time to digest the info we have gained and combine that with our knowledge on recruitment in general has been an interesting project. Our conclusion is that if you want to remain in this exciting sector there will certainly be opportunities for progression; patience is going to be the key element.


The market may slow down early-mid 2016 but rest assured it will bounce back and I think we will see a much more mature industry left only with the most passionate and committed businesses and individuals. That can only be a good thing moving forward for you and your career. We may also see a lot of people exit the market which, once again, means those who stick with it will ultimately be the ones who go on to bigger and better things.


For those unfortunate enough to find themselves without work our advice is please do not rush into the first thing that comes along. Assess everything, complete your due-diligence and ask the questions that are important to YOU. Only then can you make the most informed decision.


We are on hand to offer renewables career advice, CV help or renewables recruitment strategy planning. We are happy to help and discuss our findings from the last week or so.


Pick the phone up to us any-time.

Luke & MP Liz Kendall

