What’s going on in food manufacturing?

We are all just about over the festive season and that strange week last week when we couldn’t get to grips with the fact we were back at work the day after New Year’s Day!
So, what’s been the talk in food production towards the end of 2017 and early 2018?
NPD on the rise
NPD continues to be at the forefront of a lot of businesses plans for this year. We were amazed with the number of NPD Manager and Development Chef jobs available in 2017 and that shows no sign of slowing down.
The need for innovation in order to keep up with ever-changing consumer trends is becoming clear and food companies are reacting to it.
2018 food trends
And on those trends, Food Manufacture released this article on what we are likely to see.
From a more global view when it comes to raw material sourcing to pizza for breakfast, it’s an interesting insight into what might happen in 2018.
Health, sugar & energy drinks
It’s January so we can’t turn on a TV without seeing some sort of diet programme and Jamie Oliver is on another quest; this time to ban energy drinks for children, with Waitrose already leading the way.
What is clear is that health and well-being is still a hot topic in the media and our food & drink choices are being scrutinised now more than ever.
Drinks companies have obviously already had to react when it comes to sugar, and we have seen cereal providers doing the same, but I wonder how much further this could go and the impact it could have on a wider-scale. Time will tell.
Living wage, productivity, employee happiness
The Living Wage is increasing rapidly and will top £8.50 per hour by 2020.
Needless to say this is going to affect margins and, possibly, the number of staff on a full-time and seasonal basis that a factory could employ.
Now more than ever there is a need to get more out of less. Have a read of an article we put together on employee productivity for some ideas.
We wish you and your business well in 2018.
At Veritas we help food and drink businesses find, hire and retain their ideal candidates. I’m available on 07885 910 202 or [email protected] to discuss what we can do for you.